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EVDS are users and suppliers of quality equine dental instruments and tools.

As horse owning professionals being privileged to work in this industry, we care – a lot!

Through walking our talk in the EVDS Vet Clinic, using cutting edge technology and dental equipment such as the PowerFloat, Terafloat, luxators, forceps, spreaders, fulcrums, elevators, blades, discs, burrs etc every day, we are well positioned to be able to confidently offer a large variety of our preferred equine dental instruments and diagnostic tools to our veterinary colleagues.


As a functioning equine vet practice, with access to the above instruments, we are able to co-ordinate and conduct post graduate teaching workshops for veterinarians in the field of equine dentistry.

From horse handling, sedation, nerve blocks, clinical exam, basic oral examination to wolf teeth and canine teeth, premolar and molar teeth, caps, gums (periodontal disease), tooth extraction, correct use and maintenance of equipment etc, we pride ourselves on sending our attendees home competent and confident! In these wet labs events, we have experts from our country, and international at times, come in to teach the post graduate material.

PLUS, each 4-5 years, we consolidate the changes and improvements in the equine dental world and host the Toothfest International Conference, scheduled to run again in 2027.


FREE SHIPPING | AUS & NZ for orders over $500

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